
One of the most interesting young Italian illustrators, in our opinion, is Noemi Vola.

Her books, so light and colorful, have the ability to offer an elegant, ironic, and unexpected philosophical perspective on the human condition to an audience of all ages.

Here are a few of them, available at our bookstore SULLALUNA in both Italian and English:

Una festa indimenticabile, Corraini edizioni
The Unforgettable Party, Tundra book

Oh, how bored I am,” complains the caterpillar. Until he has a brilliant idea: to organize an unforgettable party! He already has everything he needs: apple juice, decorations, confetti, pastries… it’s all perfect, except that none of the guests want to come to the party. But how can you have a party without friends? The caterpillar is sad, but then he finally has a brilliant idea and ends up with six new friends! Together they dance, play, sing, and eat a meter and a half of pizza. But what happens when the party is over?

Se piangi come una fontana, Corraini edizioni
If you cry like a fountain, Tundra books

Can we cry better than we usually do? If when despair assails you, you cannot contain your copious tears, this is the right book for you!

Do you fell better now?

Good, because there’s no use in crying.
What do you mean there is no use?!

I mean there is no use at all!
(oh dear, I need an umbrella)

Oh no, what did I say?
What I meant is that there are so many reasons for crying, but that you have to cry better.

If you feel sad around lunchtime, turn on the stove and cry until the pot is filled.
When the tears start to boil stir in the pasta.
Season to taste. You don’t even need to add salt!

from If you cry like a fountain

La vita sfortunata dei vermi, Corraini edizioni
The Unfortunate life of worms, Tra publishing

A fairly short treatise on natural history that finally gives due attention to the most unfortunate of animals: Noemi Vola’s new book features the earthworm, also known simply as the worm. From its eating habits to its bizarre behaviors, from its underground habitat to the various shades of pink it can take on, there is so much to discover about the worm. Yet no one—except for the illustrious Charles Darwin—seems to have ever been interested in it. Many aspects of its world remain unknown to science: How did it evade natural selection? What is the purpose of its tail? And why does it insist on digging endless tunnels in the earth? What we do know for sure is that the earthworm should never be confused with the caterpillar, and that its life is not without dangers and daring adventures. Like when a storm arrives and lightning strikes the wrong place: for the worm, and its tail, nothing will ever be the same.

Un orso sullo stomaco, Corraini edizioni
Bear with me, Corraini edizioni

There are bears that, once they arrive, just don’t want to leave. They follow you everywhere, and the more you try to get rid of them, the more they cling to you: on the couch, when you’re with someone, when you try to sleep. The harder you try to get rid of them, the more they follow you. Sometimes they seem to have gone away, just like that, all of a sudden. But then they return, out of nowhere, without making a sound.

An unconventional illustrated story that teaches us that sometimes living with something heavy, dark, and cumbersome is possible—you just have to get used to it. Because, in the end, everyone has a bear on their stomach that they have to deal with every day.

Ciao sasso,Corraini edizioni (only italian edition)

“Rock, are you and I friends?”
“But we met!”
“So what? Just meeting isn’t enough to become friends!”
“You need to take care of each other…”
“But how do you take care of a rock?”
“You have to look at it often. Sometimes you need to stroke it. Wash it. Decorate it. Touch it.”
A child finds a rock, touches it, looks at it, and starts talking to it. The rock seems not to listen, but eventually, it breaks the silence. Like in a dance, question after question, the two draw closer. At first, the rock responds slowly and with few words, but then it talks about life and friendship. Knowing someone isn’t enough to be friends… taking care of the other can be difficult if you don’t know what’s necessary.

Born in 1993, NOEMI VOLA is an Italian author and illustrator. Since 2017, she has worked in children’s publishing, collaborating with Italian and foreign publishing houses.
Some of her books have obtained awards and accolades such as the “Cicla Best International Illustrated BookAward” curated by China Shanghai International Children’s Book Fair (2021); the Italian national award “Nati per leggere” (2019); selection for the “Outstanding Picturebooks” exhibition curated by dPICTUS at the Frankfurt Book Fair (2018); the Serpa International Award for Picturebooks curated by Planeta Tangerina (2018). For the podcast based on the book “On the unfortunate life of worms” she got the Special Mention at BRAW Ragazzi Cross Media Award 2022. Her illustrations were been selected for the Bologna Children’s Book Fair in 2019 and 2022. She currently lives in Bologna.
from Planeta Tangerina publisher website

SULLALUNA independent bookshop & italian bistrot
41, Carmine Street 10014 New York NY

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