COSE Spiegate bene A Natale tutti insieme

sullaluna Venezia Fondamenta de la Misericordia, 2535, Venezia, WA, Italy

A Natale tutti insieme è l’ottavo numero di COSE Spiegate bene, la rivista di carta de Il Post realizzata in collaborazione con Iperborea. Lo presentiamo con Luca Sofri, direttore de Il Post, in dialogo con Pietro Del Soldà, conduttore radiofonico. Parteciperà anche Noemi Vola, illustratrice del volume, che sarà disponibile anche per dediche e disegni […]

Sydney Smith

sullaluna New York 41 Carmine Street, New York, NY, United States

We are thrilled to announce the arrival of Sydney Smith in NYC. In dialogue with Sydney will be one of the greatest experts in illustration and children’s literature: Leonard S. Marcus, whose friendship and support we are infinitely proud of. Sydney has just won the Hans Christian Andersen Award 2024, the highest international recognition given to an […]

“As Edward imagined” with Matthew Burgess and Marc Majewski

sullaluna New York 41 Carmine Street, New York, NY, United States

From an acclaimed author and illustrator team, we are happy to present a definitive picture book biography about a true original and creative genius: Edward Gorey. Discover the unique childhood and life of the enigmatic and eccentric Edward Gorey whose artwork and books had a profound impact on creators such as Neil Gaiman, Lemony Snicket, […]

Dan Gemeinhart autore di “L’imprevedibile viaggio di Coyote Sunrise”

In libreria lo scrittore americano DAN GEMEINHART, autore de "L'imprevedibile viaggio di Coyote Sunrise" e "Coyote Sunrise e il posto perfetto"  incontrerà il suo pubblico per quattro chiacchiere e un firmacopie! . Un'occasione da non perdere per tutti noi che  amiamo le avventure e la vita di Coyote Sunrise, la bambina di 12 anni che […]


A must-attend event at SULLALUNA bookstore & bistrot,tha new Italian store just opened in Greenwich Village! Join us for an intimate gathering with the talented BEATRICE ALEMAGNA - one of the most beloved and internationally acclaimed Italian illustrators - as she presents her latest work "Pepper & me". Joining her will be Jill Davis, Editorial Director of Hippo Park Books, […]

PAOLO PECERE: Il senso della natura. Sette sentieri per la Terra

in conversation with MICHELE COMETA Looking into the eyes of an orangutan, an octopus, a whale shark. Setting out to understand a desert, a forest, or a mountain range while crossing the traditions of human thought. Moving from New York to the Galápagos, from Iceland to Borneo, from Rwanda to Tibet, to immerse oneself in […]


Il socialismo e le nuove forme di lotta politica negli Stati Uniti in conversation with FEDERICO LEONI and LUCIANO TIRINNANZI “In my work as a correspondent from the U.S., what I do is try to "explain America to Italy," that is, to observe and attempt to understand what is, on the surface, one of the […]

IL MALE CHE NON C’È con Giulia Caminito

sullaluna New York 41 Carmine Street, New York, NY, United States

with Iuri Moscardi and Clara Ramazzotti Once again, Giulia Caminito chooses the path of the novel to tell her own story and that of her generation, one that has not endured wars or material deprivation but has instead inherited the loneliness of the Internet and precariousness. Her essential writing in this book opens up to […]

“L’invenzione dei tuoi occhi”

Francesca Berardi e Lucio Schiavon "L'invenzione dei tuoi occhi" la storia vera di Walter e del viaggio che dal Salvador lo ha portato a New York. A New York, Walter costruisce occhiali di cartone speciali: un filtro che lo aiuta a isolarsi e a vedere le giornate sempre diverse. Francesca sta lavorando a un progetto sui canner, […]

We are truly delighted to host : , , . We love to describe Sergio through the words of a dear friend and colleague, with whom he shared a studio in Brooklyn for years, and who : Here’s what she writes: This is Sergio: surprising, unconventional, funny, affectionate, generous, and fascinated by small and irregular […]